Alineacion Reconectiva healing is a powerful yet simple “harmonizer" of the energy system. It is a powerful healing tool that works to reconnect and align the meridian lines of the body allowing for a distinct interaction with another-dimensional Intelligence.  This intelligence presents itself as the frequencies of energy, light and information. The Alineacion Reconectiva healing is the process through which the practitioner engages with the client’s frequency; this AR frequencies enable a field to open, connecting us to a corresponding universe. In this AR field, deep transformation, expansion and evolution happen. The interaction with this frequency harmonizes and promotes a healing that will be different for each individual.  After the first treatment, start making notes of the changes you observe in your life.  The upgrades can be physical, emotional, mental or at spiritual level.  In general you will enter into a new flow in your life experience.

your session:

Three consecutive sessions amplify the results of The Alineacion Reconectiva Healing.

Alineacion Reconectiva Healing, is facilitated while you relax on a massage table or while you are sitting on a chair, fully clothed with your eyes closed.  Contrary to other forms of energy healing, there is no touch during this session.  The interaction with the AR frequencies will be very palpable for the receiver and the facilitator.  Your job during a session is to observe and relax.


3 sessions: $350 CAD


The Personal Alineacion Reconectiva utilizes the frequencies of the AR healing; however, is a very precise process and differs in its application. This focused formation, reconnects the grid work of your body to the ley lines of our planet, and reconnecting these grids to the universal grid in all dimensions of time and space.

In your Personal Alineacion Reconectiva, you are reconnecting to a timeless system of intelligence, your master vibration and your evolution. You are intently choosing to access knowledge learned throughout your lifetimes, in this dimension, and beyond. It is an evolving process, and it will continue to unfold as you begin to make new choices on your life path.

The Personal Alineacion Reconectiva is facilitated in two separate sessions on two separate days. Your second session must be completed within approximately three days after the first session. Receiving your Alineacion Reconectiva is a choice and it happens once in a life time.

Benefits of Alineacion reconectiva:

  • Opens and aligns your meridian channels removing energy blockages

    • Balances your chakras and both sides of the brain

  • You have clarity around a particular situation

    • Gradual awakening of your soul

  • It will soothe and energize your body

    • New information will be better understood and retained

  • New challenges will be easily realized and handled

    • The alignment increases synchronicities

  • Your ability to focus your will and attention will increase

    • Your ability to manifest will be amplified

your session:

As you lay down on a massage table, fully clothed and with your eyes closed, there will be three passes around your body from your head down to your feet where I will be “tapping” on specific “spin” points along the body that lay along meridian lines. These points are small vortices of energy that emit light and sound frequencies.  Once activated, these points imprint sacred geometry on and above the body.

Each treatment will consist of these three parts:

  1. The first part clears the meridian lines of blocked energy, allowing for the free flow of (chi/prana) energy.

  2. The second part of the treatment is done to balance the right and left sides of the body and brain.

  3. The third part of the treatment reconnects you to the Cosmic Lattice.


Are you ready and willing to deepen your connection and tap into more elevated aspects of self?

2 sessions: $375 CAD for the aligment