Our Mission:

To support children in their spiritual journey.

When we were children, many of us still remember the isolation of experiencing the fullness of life and being dismissed. The frustration of not being understood or seen often leaves us scared at our core.  The intention of the workshop is to raise awareness so that kids remember and tap into other aspects of themselves. Through simple practice, they learn how to live from an empowered place. Children feel and experience the confidence that emanates from connection to self in the knowingness of who they are. It is important that kids have an ongoing support as spiritual beings. As a pre-requisite for participation, at least one parent or child's mentor must have a minimum of Reiki I.


Day 1
Opening circle (kids introduce themselves)
History of Reiki
Meaning of Reiki
The Aura
Energy Exercises
How to use Reiki
What gives you energy/The wisdom of the body.

Day 2
5 Principles of Reiki
Energy exercises
Treating others
Brain Buttons
Art certificate

Age Groups: 

  • 5 to 7 years old

  • 9 to 11 years old

  • 12 to 15 years old

Cost: $111 CAD for the day.


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beatriz marin

Beatriz Marin is a Spiritual Psychotherapist who discovered Reiki in 2003. As a healing facilitator, she has contributed to many clients' transformations over the years. After 15 years of practice, Beatriz sees Reiki as a source for positive change and transformation in one’s life. Once she had discovered the power of Reiki and the gift it was to her life, Beatriz wanted to share it with the world. She believes that Reiki can provide a map for the expansion of consciousness.  As energy beings we all benefit from the knowledge and practice of Reiki.

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paula maria marin

Beautiful Paula is an expert in yoga with over 20 years experience in teaching yoga to adults & children. In her personal practice of incorporating Reiki into her life and classes, she has learned of the immense changes within herself, her students & her own children!  She immediately recognized the value of teaching children how to tap into their own energy, either by giving Reiki to themselves or to others. Children are taught and then experience their own value in the world. This complements our mission, as children begin to practice creating beautiful energy-exchanges, providing growth and support for all!


Set your children up powerfully with Reiki