Reiki - Level II is often defined by a focus on practicing Reiki on others, as well as an expanded opening of the energy channels. Additionally, students receive the "Reiki symbols" and Level 2 attunement. The Reiki symbols allow the practitioner to connect more deeply to The Universal Energy, as well as draw on the qualities that the symbols represent. 

The power symbol is used for physical relief of pain or discomfort.  This symbol also empowers all the other symbols. You can also use it to charge any situation, vision or action with Reiki Energy.    

The emotional/mental symbol is used with the consent of the client.  It will release mental patterns and emotions related to a particular situation or condition. 

The distance symbol gives us the ability to provide Distance Reiki or send healing energy to individuals wherever they may be. The distant symbol is also used to clear energy blockages across time (lives, dimensions, realms), as well as from physical locations.

I personally use all the symbols during my treatments.  Generally, there are beliefs and emotions associated with any condition, physical, mental/emotional or spiritual.  Most situations originate in the past, but the solution or the healing is not yet revealed. The symbols allow us to transcend limitations and to enhance the body-mind connection.


Students usually experience the following after Reiki I:

  • Less fear

  • Balance and harmony between the logic and creative/intuitive minds

  • Deeper and more intelligent relationship with feelings and emotions

  • Clarity and direction around life purpose

  • Trust of intuition

  • Stronger psychic ability

  • More empowered to make profound life changes that speak to their heart’s truth

Due to the intensity of the attunement process, some Reiki Masters recommend that at least 21 days to a full three months pass between receiving the Level 1 and Level 2 attunements. (Level 1 is required to receive Level 2).

The Level ll attunement is typically given in one single attunement with a focus on opening up the central channel even more, with an emphasis on the Heart Chakra. Typically, Level II also includes practice in drawing the symbols, invoking their qualities, as well as distance healing.

Cost: $555 CAD for the weekend.