I thoroughly enjoyed my Reiki II workshop with Beatriz of Empowered Hearts. Her passion and knowledge was contagious. The weekend workshop provided lots of opportunity for hands-on learning, open discussions and renewed reiki energy. Highly recommend talking a Reiki workshop with Beatriz.

— Josie D.

“Better than taking a pill!”

“Beatriz called me during a particularly painful moment. I answered her call because I felt safe telling her what was going on. She focused my energy on my inner child and we both talked to her and comforted her. I had formerly done some inner child work so was familiar with it but was in so much agony that I had to be reminded to pay attention to her. Beatriz walked me through this experience, holding my hand, which I very much needed at that moment. After she calmed me down, she gave me simple directives to help focus my energy in a productive and positive manner. When you are overcome with grief and pain, I do heartily recommend Beatriz Marin to walk you through to a more peaceful state of mind and heart. Her telephone support may be just what you need to turn the corner...better than taking a pill!”

— Richenda

“Un ser de luz…”

Beatriz es un ser de luz y amor al cual le agradezco ser mi guía espiritual. Su gran conocimiento y experiencia me abrieron el camino al reiki y la conexión energética con el universo y las personas, a meditar, a sanarme y sanar a los demás por medio del amor y las energías. Ahora soy una mujer despierta en la espiritualidad ayudando a los demás en el mismo proceso. Gracias Beatriz que me enseñaste a crecer y cambiar positivamente para mi y los demás.

— Ana Vallejo

Thank you Beatriz, I did not know how to get out of my mind! No wonder I was so confused, I was carrying so much unexpressed stuff!

— Luz Marina

“Intense sensations.”

"When I attended my first session with Beatriz, I had 2 intentions.  The first was to be in action toward my dreams consistently.  The second was to have complete trust for the Universe in the process.  Beatriz began the session by having me call up these intentions in a clear and articulate way.  During the session, I drifted in and out of wakeful state. 

I experienced intense sensations moving through my body in unpredictable directions.  As I would fall out of wakeful state, I would be brought back into my body through clear visions, and I distinctly remember hearing the reprogramming of my mind.  For example, the word 'strive' became 'thrive.' It was a powerful and beautiful experience.  I would recommend Beatriz to anyone who is ready to delve deeper into their conscious and sub-conscious patterns and awaken to their true calling."

— Mala Rambharose

“Calm, Clarity and Confidence.”

If you are at a low point energetically, I highly recommend seeing Beatriz. I came to her several times for energy work, and every time it was a positive experience. After the treatment, I felt more calm, clarity and confidence in my ability to handle things, and I always left uplifted.

Beatriz has an ability to create an atmosphere of care, trust and ease; she is genuinely interested in and gives her full attention to a client. Talking about your problem or problems is the first part of the session; then comes the wonderfully relaxing part - energy work. During this unhurried, quietly focused procedure, I could feel how the gentle hands of Beatriz facilitated the flow of energy through my body, concentrating on areas of congestion and restoring balance and vitality. I am truly grateful to Beatriz for her help. She is a skilled practitioner and a wonderful human being.

— Larisa Kover

It was very amazing experience and very informative work shop everyone should attend. Beatriz is very caring and warm hearted. Thank you so much, Beatriz.

— Muyar Htun


“I found freedom in my body”

"Hello my name is Mary Fidilio.  I am here to share a bit about my personal journey.  In 2003, I had a car accident that almost took the lives of my children and I.  There was something else in store for my journey.  I had been diagnosed chronic immediately.  I inherited that day many injuries all left side dominant.  My medical records stand about 5’2” with a listing of herniated discs, bulging discs, root nerve damage, scared tissues, 8 mm tare in glute, aggressive degeneration for all the body compensates and now most recently fibromyalgia. 

I had heard of Reiki, and was curious.  No one really took the time to explain until I met Beatriz.  Bless her soul.  After only 3 sessions, I lifted away a great deal of dead weight.  I found freedom in my body, lightness in my step, and agile freedom with my body that I had not felt in years.  I also, found a restful sleep.  I was finally dreaming again and that to me meant that I fell deep enough for my body to indulge in self healing as well.  My huge take away, I wasn’t waddling with my walk where I compensated the one side and I was beginning to walk taller, stronger and reset to original birth right.

All this from conversation of sharing the impact of Reiki and it’s healing that it will contribute to me if only to say YES.  So I did and also learned my role in it.  I thank my lucky stars for Beatriz Marin and would recommend anyone to open themselves up to the experience it can in turn bring you.  A personal share, with all my love." 

— Mary Fidilio


Well, if one is to consider trauma as a consistent ingredient or fact in the bazaar and beautiful cycle of nature and life we all experience as humans, than one should also consider as importantly the continued movement of that stunted energy of trauma as necessary for the continuation of our lives with a clear, balanced, and evolved perspective. 

I have shared many moments of trauma with Beatriz Marin as her son in the interesting story we have shared together in this life. I also share with her the exhilaration of a new world of courage in presence and ultimate possibilities as we move past these nights of the shadow together.  My mother's pursuit of the energy arts have been a source of daily inspiration for myself and our family for the past 13 years.  Her conviction and discipline dedicated to these arts have demonstrated to us that one is not only capable of overcoming the sometimes harshness of life, but one is also capable of transcending, experiencing and expanding different degrees of beauty for our lives. 

For the past 6 years I have been on ongoing patient of my mother's in her study of the art of Reiki/Chakra balancing.  These sessions have been crucial in the support required when traumatic energy has become stunted as well as for the balance and well-being of my human organs, the energy field of my body, and of my spirit. 

My mother today is a humble master of these arts, always in an open stance of learning, and in a humbled motion of understanding the endless variables of the ever moving flow of nature and life.  I am here today, present, strong and trusting because of Beatriz Marin, a woman whom I share a rich and powerful history with, and I am honoured and humbled in life and health every time I get the opportunity to be handled by her heart, dedication and skills in universal healing energy.

— Juan Marin

I called Beatriz to book an appointment for my mom. During the conversation with Beatriz (I

shared some personal stuff with her) I felt energy moving through my body; when we finish

talking, I went to the kitchen and I started cleaning and putting aside what I no longer wanted

in the kitchen. I had this project in my mind for a year; I don’t know what happened, something

moved inside of me and I finally cleaned my kitchen!

— Paola

“Extraordinary experience.”

Having an energy session with Beatriz is an extraordinary experience. As we start, she seems to call in powerful energy.  It responds to her call and simply flood in, supporting what we are doing together.  As we go, I experience that energy moving through me in a fine, exquisite way, cleaning up and clearing out all the negative stuff that shouldn’t be there.  How powerful is that?

— Janet Laughton Mackay

“Calm, Friendly, Welcoming.”

I completed Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 with Beatriz and it was a life-changing experience. Her workshops are a perfect balance between theory and practice. I particularly enjoyed the energy exercises and meditations. Beatriz is a caring, knowledgeable, and warm-hearted teacher. Her passion for Reiki is contagious and it inspired me to continue my journey of self-discovery. She facilitates a calm, friendly and welcoming environment where you feel supported and at ease. I am grateful and feel blessed to have taken the workshops through Beatriz as Reiki has brought positive changes into my life.

— Teresa O